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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: big sea shrimp, large crayfish

kabiis taara

I. N

1. animal,food,shellfish big sea shrimp, large crayfish
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kabiis taara sii su ka. Kabiis yaap parnga. Sii su kuyanik aakituing.
    The big shrimp is from the creek. Its body is black. It lives way up the creek.


  • Etnográfica:
    Depending on the speaker, this can refer to either the long-clawed river crayfish, or to the big white shrimp which are caught in the sea in August-September in cast nets. The former is washed out into the lagoon during the rainy season. It is usually caught by hand under rocks, or jabbed with a short staff with a metal blade fashioned by hand ("chuusu," in RCC), or previously with a bow and arrow. Also trapped in pots about two feet long made of papta and baited with coconut. 2009 Bluefields price about 30 cordobas/lb. (3 large ones/lb.) The big commercial sea shrimps are not usually eaten, but are sold in Bluefields.